PM Collective - The ART of property management
The ART of property management with Ashleigh Goodchild is a leading platform supporting collaboration not competition through an online community and events throughout the year with one purpose: to create happier property managers. She creates connections for property managers looking to create momentum in their careers and personal life. Join Ashleigh and her guests as they discuss challenges, struggles, mental health, mindset and give advice to property managers and anyone in the industry. To get the support in your property management career, join our PM Collective Facebook and Instagram community.
PM Collective - The ART of property management
Innovative Team-Building Strategies for Hybrid Work
Unlock the secrets to enhancing team dynamics and boosting workplace morale with our special guests, Aaron Florenca and Oliver Sheer from Be Challenged. Discover the importance of a "connection plan" in building a strong team culture and learn how tools like DISC can simplify understanding and adapting to various personalities. Oliver dives deep into how these strategies can improve both personal and professional relationships, especially in today's ever-evolving hybrid work environments.
Ever wondered how unique team events could have a direct impact on your professional relationships? Aaron shares innovative and creative event options, from luxurious caviar tastings to exhilarating GPS-based scavenger hunts. We discuss the significance of experimenting with different activities to create memorable experiences that align with modern wellness trends and professional goals. Learn why it's crucial to find the right fit for your team and how these unique events can help with deeper connections and boost team performance.
Learn about the power of outcome-driven team-building programs and yearly themes that unify and focus teams. We explore successful programs like the virtual escape room "Beat the Box" and highlight the importance of effective communication and collaboration through activities like the Chain Reaction program. Discover cost-effective and structured approaches to planning for smaller teams and the flexibility of hybrid and virtual events to include offshore members.
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Today we are going to be chatting to two people that actually aren't in real estate directly, so it's a little bit of a different podcast compared to our other conversations we have with property managers. So I'd like to welcome Aaron Florenca and Oliver Shear from Be Challenge. Welcome, guys.
Speaker 2:Hello Ashley, how are you?
Speaker 1:Good Hi Oliver.
Speaker 3:Hi, ashley, great to be here. Thanks for having us.
Speaker 1:So some of you guys might actually recognise Aaron Florenca from his work in real estate. So that's how we connected many years ago and he is now in a really great business that I've just found out about for Be Challenged, and I understand it's an Australia-wide company. So, oliver, can you just sort of share a little bit about Be Challenged, the work that you guys are doing and how it benefits teams?
Speaker 3:Yeah, in essence, be Challenged is here to help people have better relationships. So the reason, uh, we get out of bed each day quite bouncing with with a bounce in our step is, um, because I think that that hits home for everyone across life, not just work. There's different ways that we do help people have better relationships, but, in essence, personal development and building high-performing teams is what we do.
Speaker 1:And when you're talking about relationships, you're referring to our work colleagues, our clients, our personal what, or all of the above?
Speaker 3:Yeah, all of the above. So we're a national business, we work in the corporate sector, but we also work in the education sector. So, yeah, we dive into a number of different verticals which are different in their own right, which is great for us to kind of cherry pick and cross-blend into other verticals and bring lessons from, you know, the school sector as such into the corporate sector. But, yeah, firstly, firstly, focusing on yourself, from understanding self and others to then focusing on the team, and that might be an intact team, it might be, you know, just a general organisation team where you're more focused on culture and developing relationships cross-functionally.
Speaker 1:Yeah, do you think that there is an ideal number of like team culture events that a business should undertake each year, like I know that's really sort of pinpointing it, but I think it's really good for others to hear what different companies are doing. Do you think, like team events or team catch-ups should be done like weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, like what are you seeing people doing?
Speaker 3:It's definitely a case-by-case scenario, but what we would recommend and more than welcome to jump online and download it free as a framework. We call it a connection plan. A lot of people might call it a people plan, a culture plan, the EVP, but really important for an organisation doesn't matter whether you're a sporting organisation, you know a school to have in place what we call a connection plan and that would break. We would break down those meetings or those team time into four different areas, so there'd be meeting time. There'd be personal and team development different areas, so there'd be meeting time. There'd be personal and team development. There would be two other areas that I can't think of right now, but it's about having a plan in place To make that work.
Speaker 3:We need a foundation. We believe you need a foundation to benchmark yourself off and for everyone to have a common language. So where do we start when we're talking about relationships? How do I adjust, evolve, develop my relationships? How do I adapt? Because they're different? And we use a tool called DISC as a personality tool. There's loads out there. No doubt Lots of your listeners would have done them before. Some people get overly excited by the questionnaire and some can't wait for it to be over. But, like Myers-Briggs and Colours and Insights, the reason we use DISC is it's simple, and I think life's complicated enough as it is. We need things that are simple and that don't box us in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love the term that you use connection plan. I think that going into sort of you know a new year, I mean, or you could start it straight away but I think all businesses should use those words to sort of look at what they're doing in their team and what connection plan do they have. Because we have got that hybrid office set up in real estate, like a lot of property management departments have that, and I have found personally, like I try to do something quarterly with our team and I'll get into Aaron and get you to give you know, tell us a few examples what you do in a minute. But I actually found it's quite hard to try and think of different fun quarterly events to do um. So that's one thing that definitely stood out with you guys, because I've seen some of the events you do and they're absolutely fabulous.
Speaker 1:But I also have seen that um and a few mentions that definitely the when my team are happy in their personal lives, they definitely perform better and have better relationships with their clients.
Speaker 1:And whenever they're very stressed personally with relationships, it definitely shows through in their emotional state when dealing with clients. So it's something that really we need to not ignore. It's something that really we need to not ignore, and I find that sometimes the team events that we do and that you can do it helps bring in that personal relationship just between the team members. So it's good for them to be able to get support from someone on their team if they're feeling like that. And I do remember there was a you know a time where one of my property managers was obviously very stressed about something and it took another property manager to say you know, as soon as you get in, grab me in the car park, we're going to go have a coffee first and talk about it before you get into the office. So creating those internal relationships, I think can you know should be done, and it's easier to sort of help create them internally when you have outside of work connection plans, I guess, which I really, really enjoy the words of that.
Speaker 3:Absolutely, and I probably should have answered your question. I didn't even answer the question.
Speaker 1:I can't remember what the question was.
Speaker 3:I'm not a politician, Ashley, but maybe I should go into it In terms of an actual heartbeat to answer your question on numbers of events. Yeah, so that connection plan is your 12 month heartbeat and then you want to kind of chunk down. So what are we going to do quarterly, what are we going to do monthly and even weekly, and break that down into what might be virtual or what might be in person, but definitely something as an intact team, from a team building perspective and a personal development perspective. Once a quarter is ideal and then going down into that weekly or fortnightly heartbeat within the month you know you'd want to be having one-on-ones. Then you'll be wanting to check in not only from a manager to a team member perspective. But the more we can empower our teams to be accountable themselves and really, you know, work with each other and develop their own relationships to solve problems for our clients, the more rewarding it's going to be for them and the higher performing we can be as a team.
Speaker 3:So not everything is getting. Often our managers are actually a bit of a blockage in situations where we need to empower the team to have that freedom.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I am probably a blockage in that part part, I do not do one-on-one no I couldn't even tell you when I last did one.
Speaker 1:I don't even know if I've ever done one. To be honest, um, for me I um, and just to share an example of what our team do so that others can sort of hear, um, some different ideas and then we'll get into you, aaron, but we try to do a weekly lunch where we just get Uber Eats and we sort of sit around the table and that's really a good opportunity for everyone just to talk about kids or grandchildren or problems or funny stories that have happened this week. So it's a very unconscious way of having that team meeting and that connection. So that actually works really well for us. I feel like if there was anything that I needed to address one-on-one which is very, very rare then I would probably just do that ad hoc, as needed.
Speaker 1:And then we find that monthly comes around so quickly. So for us it's sort of more. Around that three month mark and that three month mark, we try to have some sort of activity. Like we went bowling, um, and to the pub one um, I think for the last one we've got a quiz night coming up which supports a um, a friend of mine who's actually just gone into politics. So it's to. You know, support her. So it's um. You know, just random events like that that we try to do um, but it's. It's actually quite hard to be original with it.
Speaker 1:So I think, I've got the next couple booked. But then I sometimes just pass it on to one of my team and just say, hey, your turn to organize next social event. And they do that. But they are definitely social events as opposed to specific and guided, you know, structured team building, which they're not, which I know that you guys are definitely the experts in. And just to also highlight how we do it for other offices is that we use MyConnect.
Speaker 1:So MyConnect is a connection service for tenants. It's a free service which allows them to connect their electricity and their gas and their internet, et cetera. And what happens is a property manager receives commission when those connections are done and you get a credit card and we choose for our team to have to use that credit card as they wish. So it's not something that goes to the company. If you're a company business owner and you are taking those my connect connections I'll say it right now like give it to the team. You know you don't need to benefit from. You know what's considered a small amount of money each month. Like let the team you know you don't need to benefit from.
Speaker 1:You know what's considered a small amount of money each month. Like let the team have that. That's part of the staff culture the you know the girls can use it. We use it for the uber eats, we use it for going out, we use it for random stuff and it's built up quite nicely. I think we've got about six thousand dollars on that card after us using it every single week like we. We just can't get this car down, so it's just so easy. So this is a shout-out to MyConnect If you don't have that in place, zero and when I say zero effort I mean zero effort in place and it's just a really good way of using that money for your staff culture.
Speaker 3:I love. You know what I love about these events that you've been doing the trivia and whatever it might be, even the lunch. You so often find that you're really focused on your team but the value add that comes, that and you kind of touched on this that they're going to have a better relationship with their clients or they might just think a little bit differently how they approach your client in the future, and I've got a client that their team starts every week with breakfast on Monday. You've got to find out what works for you. I think that's half the battle. Just trying something. Don't be afraid to get it wrong, like just give something a go and ask your team to give you suggestions, even. And if it doesn't work, then you know we try something else. And you know lastly I think you were going to, you went to touch on it we do provide that professional service. I suppose that risk-free if you must.
Speaker 3:And really our key focus, and Aaron's key focus, is to make sure our clients look like a superstar and are stress-free. Yeah, so we want to make it really hit the mark. But in this day and age as well, I think, you know, slowly gone are the days of just being able to go just to the pub. So many people are drinking less and so many people are focused about their wellbeing. It's important, I think, as a team, to define what wellbeing means to us as a team. You, you know what does that mean to us? Um, and so, yeah, making sure we are doing stuff that is inclusive or professionally run or whatever it might be yeah, totally.
Speaker 1:I know that for me. I love my team trying new experiences, so, um, when they haven't tried something like like, to give you an example, we've got our Christmas party coming up. I've been planning and I have added on a caviar experience because it's not an experience that my team would have had or would necessarily value the money spending either.
Speaker 3:Awesome.
Speaker 1:I haven't either. So I was like I like just those types of things. When we took some team to Hobart a couple of months ago and you know, just the experience of going, you know, for the first time, you know, to the top of Mount Wellington and things like that, like that really excites me, like letting them experience things that they may not normally do. We will at some stage go to six heads, which is a really fancy um steak restaurant in perth. It's one of my favorite um and you know the steaks are, I think, the one I normally get, not just for me, but it's 270 a steak. Again, not an experience, not an experience that people would naturally have. Um, and I love giving that opportunity to my team to one day say, hey, if we can get to this kpi, we're going to all go out for the lunch or for dinner and we're going to have a beautiful meal here, because, yeah, it's just not something that they would do every day. I mean, it's not something I do every day even.
Speaker 3:But I know it sounds like you do actually it does.
Speaker 1:I've done it twice and um, and one was because it just opened, the second one because it was so damn good and it's just. I love it. I love everything about that place.
Speaker 3:Ashley, good child. Caviar and steaks.
Speaker 1:Can you use the?
Speaker 2:MyConnect card there Ashley.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I could use the MyConnect card as a break. Aaron, and that would get the balance down low't it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure um but yeah, and I'm the least posh person, but it's funny. It's one of those things that like um, there was a funny meme going around that says something like you know, refuse to add three dollars on that avocado at zambreros, but happy to pay 270270 for a steak. Or you know, I refuse to pay $200 to get my hair done. I will always go get a $10 box dye, but then happy to spend money.
Speaker 3:Priorities. Food's my thing, so I hear you, I hear you.
Speaker 1:Now, Aaron, your turn to shine. I want you to tell us all about the different types of events that you and I have spoken about. Just because they blew my mind, the uniqueness of it. And as soon as you had told me some of them, I was like, oh my God, I need to stop thinking and trying to go on Pinterest and Google, because I Google fun events in Perth for teens and there is nothing that comes up that is remotely interesting. So over to you Tell me a bit more about the events.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no problem, and thank you again for having me on the program. As you mentioned earlier, I was in the real estate industry. I think I exited about 2018. So I've had had various few roles since then and becoming here at B Challenge, so super excited to be on and have a quick discussion about what we can do. But yeah, look, I think the main thing that you've just touched on for us is how diverse B Challenge is and how many offerings and options that we have, because, like you said, you've Googled, you know what can we do in Perth team activities or something like that and you'll probably get Axe throwing, you'll get lawn bowls or you'll get a Peyton sit that kind of thing where you know those things are great in essence, but what we can do, we can go to that.
Speaker 2:I guess that next level, most of our programs are outcome-driven, and I'll write that down on something we were doing this morning. What I mean by outcome-driven is there's a reason. You've come to us. You know there's something that you want to strengthen within a team, there's something you want to build on within a team, and we would, you know, I guess, come to you with a range of solutions that we would think would suit your team and your needs for the time of that event and outcome, and then we would provide you with some options.
Speaker 2:But, as mentioned, we have a plethora of options. We've got over 100 different offerings that we can offer and, as Oggs likes to mention, from a spectrum of sort of 1 to 10, where 1 would be completely fun let your hair down, you don't have to think about it much fully inclusive, everyone has a laugh up to a 10, which might be like a DISC profile analysis workshop or how to have difficult conversations, five behaviours of a creative team. So there's a range of different solutions that we offer. But to give you an example of some of the things that we've been doing in perth recently, we've been doing our um get a figure. We've been doing our go team, which is a gps based scavenger hunt around the perth cbd, which is quite popular. We've been doing our survivor. We've been doing um beat the box, which is like a virtual, virtual type sort of escape room that we bring to the room. It goes really well in conferences, especially with leaders and supporting collaboration, effective communication.
Speaker 3:You know, what I love about Beat the Box is we all go in with our egos and with that competitive mindset and hey, I'm first to put my hand up there, and you don't realise it takes you a while, but you either all succeed or you all lose.
Speaker 1:Correct, that's a little bit like me at quiz night you go in there with a competitive, you know nature, and then you realise how dumb you are and really just keep your mouth shut.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you think you know all the answers and you really don't. You get a really random general knowledge question and you'll be like, oh my God, I should know this.
Speaker 1:You do not want me on your team. I am terrible.
Speaker 2:What the Olympics has actually done recently for me is make me realise how bad I am with geography and flags. Yeah, especially I've done some general knowledge questions on flags recently and I have no idea.
Speaker 1:And it's probably made you realise how good you are at breakdancing.
Speaker 2:Yes, very good at breakdancing. That's definitely something I would stay away from as well. But yeah, look, like I said, we've got over 100 different program offerings, from fun up to being able to think a bit more problem solving. All our programs are fully inclusive in terms of demographics and you know disabilities and everything like that, so we can accommodate that. And one thing I've just put down here is you know if yourself as an individual, if you're happy in your role, you're more motivated. If you're more motivated, you're more productive. So that's one thing that I've found is a challenge. If you're happy in your role, you're more motivated. If you're more motivated, you're more productive. So, um, that's one thing that I've found is a challenge in previous roles before. Be challenged is being a remote worker. Sometimes you can feel undervalued and when you feel undervalued, you know you're under, you're under motivated and you sort of you I don't know if you've heard of the term that quiet quitting where you just do the bare minimum just so you go under the radar and get your job and your role done right, so you get that paycheck. But moving into a role with Be Challenged, I've realised how passionate I am about what I do. I've got a serious why factor because I can see you know what we are doing for teams and how we are helping strengthen team culture.
Speaker 2:You know we did a program I won't say who it was for a couple of weeks ago. Oh, come on. No, no, no, no, keep it under. It was our chain reaction program and what the chain reaction is? I think it's a Lou Dorb machine, ashley, and what that is is obviously you start off with something small, it might be a marble hitting into dominoes and it's just obviously creating this massive, obscure structure to do a simple task.
Speaker 2:So this team they started the structure with like a bowling ball and then obviously it went around the room for you know, I think it was about 30, 40 people that we ran it for. But the initial start of that structure it didn't go anywhere because their communication between areas and tables was quite poor at the start. Once they came together and communicated around the tables they actually succeeded and just seeing their mindset and the team once they accomplished something like they just went from kind of at the start, all being a bit, you know, in that ego orientated. No, my way will be the hot, you know my way or the highway I'll get it done, but you actually needed to have a great relationship and be able to communicate well with other people in your team so that you all succeeded. So, yeah, it's just one of those programs that we've got and um and offerings that we have that is just there to strengthen relationships.
Speaker 1:And there was one that you told me about. Correct me if I'm wrong with it, but it was actually like a toy building workshop and which was sort of had more of a charitable feel to it. Are you guys linked with a certain charity or sort of how like, and do you have the events like that?
Speaker 2:if I got that right, you want to go through that one, Oliver?
Speaker 3:Yeah, sure, we definitely kind of linked back. I was thinking while Aaron was talking. We often work just what we call a kickstart, which is just a one-off with a team. But in the ideal world what gets us really turned on, what we love to do is dive a bit deeper, link with themes or messaging or strategic direction of the business. And so if the business does have a theme and past clients now come to us quite early before their conference or before they're delivering the next strategy, because we've got all these creative ideas and we've also got insights, we can help out with that.
Speaker 3:So if your theme is being more sustainable as a team, you want to double down on that and link it into your team activity. So therefore, it's not. You know, most of the good stuff we do is simple. It's not brain surgery. I'm talking we, as in people listening right now. It's just about being consistent and repetitive. So if you do have a theme around giving back and you want to build that into your culture, then we do have specific programs that give back and our most popular at the moment is called Give Backpack, and the reason it's so popular is because you and your team see the immediate impact you and your team see the immediate impact. So often we're giving to charity or we're doing things that go offshore or go to some conglomerate that we don't see the end result, whereas with Give Backpack, we will find a charity that's local to you and we have specific ones we work with all the time. Might be some pats or you know there's quite a few around your area.
Speaker 3:And then we purpose build the product. In the program. You get your team building and you give backpack at the same time, so your team needs to complete challenges to earn items which then build a backpack. So, for example, if it's a men's shelter, there's going to be certain items in there, or if it's a women's shelter, there'll be different items, and so we love to make sure in the giving back space the team are really making an impact.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that. I mean, first off. I was just going to say that what a great idea to have for teams and businesses to have a theme each year.
Speaker 1:Like you know, the theme might be consistency or the theme might be, clarity, or the theme might be charity, like I love that, what a great way to really bind the team together at the start of the year and say this is how we're going to really live to that that word. And then the other idea was, just as you're talking, like you know, maybe you know that you do have something where you've got consistency, charity, and you have that in your um, yeah, in your office, like what a great idea to really forward, think and and I think that's what I I really really love about you guys is that it's it's really focusing on that planning of how are we going to create this culture? How are we going to plan it? How are we going to create this culture? How are we going to plan it? How are we going to have an impact on, you know, on charity? But also internally, and I don't think we plan it enough, and I'm the first to admit that I don't plan it. I'm very ad hoc, like I'm just like Ashley.
Speaker 3:Ashley, you've got to stop beating yourself up, come on.
Speaker 1:But I'm like, oh, we're probably due to, you know, go out this, you know next month, or like I'm just I haven't planned. I'm like I'm a winger, like I wing everything, so I need to get better at planning. But I really, really love it and I know that people will resonate with that because, like there's probably I hope, there's a lot of people like me out there that don't that, don't have that set plan. And I think it comes down to the size. I think there's businesses out there that might have 40 or 50 staff and for them they're probably maybe a little bit more structured. But I think it's really hard when you've got maybe just a team of three or five and then you build up to 10 or 15.
Speaker 1:And we're at a team of 15 now and we're at that stage where now I'm starting to think about it, but previous you probably don't enough, and I think that we probably shouldn't underestimate those smaller groups as well. Or even better, maybe as a property manager or business owner, you've got a good relationship with a strata company or a sales department or referring partners or even another property management department. Why not together have two businesses that say, hey, do you guys want to be part of my connection plan for next year and let's do some events together because, yes, you're getting extra people in there. It makes it a bit more fun when you've got a group and a really nice collaboration piece for businesses to do. So just throwing that out as an idea, I think that would be.
Speaker 3:We love it, we could collaborate. That I think you're spot on, ashley, because, yes, the bigger business has structure. But I actually would argue that those businesses that might be three, five, six, you've actually got the greatest opportunity because you'll you get to create it now and there's no habits in place and it's a lot harder to move a bigger boat. Um, so you can put in some really cost-effective ways of working and that's what we're here to help add value to the whole culture over the yearly heartbeat. Now, that doesn't mean you're invoicing us for our services. You might do something with us, but then it's really about how you embed that and you can do that yourself and it's just being clear and we can help and suggest you know those ways of working post-program or whatever that might be to embed. Yeah, for the long-lasting.
Speaker 3:Hey, one of my favourite themes is a high-performing pit crew. Everyone loves a bit of Formula One, I think, and another example of making that your theme oh, no, that's what I was going to say. So our theme at the moment you'll see sporting teams actually do this really well with their themes, but our theme at the moment is the power of the orchestra, and so we have a song with that, which is Queen's, don't Stop Us Now or Don't Stop Me Now, but we put us. So it does add a link and an anchor. We talk about anchors what's your anchor as a team? And another great theme is the high-performing pit crew, and so we've got a program called Flat Out F1.
Speaker 3:And that is where you build a life-size Formula One car out of cardboard and race it. Oh See, that's cool, Cool idea. It's a bit different. I know you imagine how many dads are taking selfies and showing the kids and going. You think you can build a Billy car.
Speaker 1:And my last question for you guys how are you doing a lot of this um, and do you have programs available for including offshore, so having events with your offshore team? Is there the ability to have something with them inclusive?
Speaker 3:yeah, absolutely. We do a lot of hybrid stuff, we do virtual stuff, um, we're also part of a um, a co-op as such, with 58 partners around the world. So, uh, be challenged. Looks after australia, but we do have a network that goes to 82 countries.
Speaker 1:Amazing. I love everything about it. I'm really excited to get you guys in doing some stuff with us for next year. And planning, I think, is definitely and it's one of those things, you know, I don't, you don't know what you don't know and I, until you know Aaron, reached out to me. I was like, oh my God, that's actually quite cool.
Speaker 1:And then, listening to you guys on the podcast, you know, just reiterates, you know what? I didn't even think about having a connection plan. I didn't think about, you know, having maybe a theme word to use for the year and I actually didn't even think about potentially, you know, joining forces with another real estate agency where I think it could complement or maybe a strata manager. In our sense, like you know, it's one of those things that it's just when you start listening to those conversations and talking about it, you get these, you know great ideas and can hear about the great ideas. So it was really really great to chat to you both and find out more about the challenge. I know I said my last question before, but just shuffle a little bit for me, oliver. Just shuffle a little bit. I just want to see you've got something on your um back screen that says build your something build your sorry.
Speaker 2:So that's like create your energy, yeah, like we call it, build our buzz. So you know, create your energy, create your passion, create your power, you know. So, yeah, um, that's, I suppose, a theme and a bit of a um little sentence that we live and breathe by here at beach challenge, because we want to obviously live by those words, but we want to be able to help teams create their own buzz and create their own energy and they're know, be passionate.
Speaker 1:I think I'm going to use that for the podcast you know title. I love it. Build your Buzz, build.
Speaker 2:Your Buzz with Aaron and Oliver.
Speaker 1:That's great.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so it's our tagline and, in a way, just another way of saying culture or team. But, yeah, better understanding of that Love it it.
Speaker 1:And what's the best way to get in touch? I know we've said that you guys are all over australia. Um, best way to get in touch with you guys would that just be through the website or through any social channels?
Speaker 3:yeah, definitely jump on. Jump on linkedin and instagram on LinkedIn and Instagram and drop into our DMs. I've always wanted to say that Sorry, probably best to hit the website. The website is your first port of call. Plenty of forms on there and the team will jump back to you. Or contact Aaron directly at aaron at beachchallengecomau.
Speaker 1:Fantastic, so great chatting to you both and brainstorming some ideas, and I hope that more real estate agents get on board with definitely creating that plan for the next 12 months. I think it's awesome. Thanks for coming on, guys. Awesome.
Speaker 2:Thanks.
Speaker 3:Ashley Cheers.